Feeling overwhelmed with all the material to memorize, that the exam is coming up too quickly, or that you’re not ready to take your WSET Level 3 test?
Join the Level 3 Prep course for a study system that’s helped hundreds of students pass their exams, many with Merit and Distinction honors!
1,500+ Multiple Choice questions covering every chapter of the current WSET Level 3 textbook.
100+ Short Answer Theory questions to practice open recall learning.
Key notes along with *study podcasts* on 25 chapters, with more new summaries and podcasts coming soon.
Practical advice on how to maximize your score for each part of the exam.
Feedback from Level 3 Prep students:
I wanted to send a “HUGE” THANK YOU for creating and offering your WSET 3 study material online.
I just received my results and I know that your prep material helped me pass the Theory section with DISTINCTION!
I GREATLY appreciate you and I will continue to recommend your site to everyone I talk to who is in the midst of studying…
Mike, Level 3 Student
Let me start out by saying I loved your WSET 3 prep course. I'm still waiting for my overall mark but I feel confident it was the difference between a marginal pass and a merit or distinction pass. So, thank you!
Jeff, Level 3 Student
YOU’RE awesome!!! :) I can’t believe I’ve forgotten to email you my Level 3 results that I received a little over a week ago. Theory: Pass with Distinction. Yay!!! I couldn’t have done it without your awesome prep course. Thank you!!!
Carla, Level 3 Student
One Time Payment
How long does the course take?
Once you enroll, you’ll have access to all the course modules. This program is self-paced. Some students complete the materials in a week, and others over several months.
Do you offer refunds?
No refunds are available for this course. We've found that most Level 3 students want full access to all materials right away, without the barrier of a refund period.
Can I test out the course before purchasing?
You can try out a sample quiz from the course for free on the WSET Study Tools page.
How long do I get access to the course for?
After enrolling, you'll have access for 12 months across any and all devices you own.
Who should take Level 3 Prep?
This program was designed especially for students of the WSET Level 3 course in mind.
Can I share access with my friend?
Your course ID is unique and not to be shared. IP software will alert us if login irregularities occur.
If you wish to enroll with a study group, please contact Rachel to discuss a group discount.
What format is this course in?
This online course contains materials for each part of the Level 3 WSET curriculum. There are 1,500+ multiple choice key questions to help you memorize important names, places, numbers, and dates; the quizzes are organized by topic. There are study podcasts and chapter key note summaries for 25 chapters, and over 100+ short answer practice questions. The course platform can be used with your desktop, laptop, or smart phone.
What supplies will I need?
You'll need the newest version of Understanding Wines: Explaining style and quality, available for order through WSET at https://shop.wsetglobal.com/collections/books/products/understanding-wines-explaining-style-and-quality
Is this an official WSET course?
This course in not affiliated with WSET, it has been developed independently using the official course materials.